My Checklists and Wantlists

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Loot from the Shoebox Draft

I mentioned a post or two ago that I had received cards from a card draft held by Shoebox Shane. I think all the other participants have shown their share of the collector's booty from his draft. Some of these cards I will mention in greater detail (and probably show their backsides as well) but later, and for the Nationals cards those will eventually show up at my Curly W Cards Blog. For now I will simply list and show, show and list. EEK I'm Listing? How on Earth will I ever straighten up?

1974-75 Topps:
34 Bep Guidolin Coach Scouts
214 NHL 1973-74 Semi-Finals Black Hawks vs. Bruins

2008-09 Upper Deck Series 2: Young Guns 499 Karl Alzner Capitals

2009-10 Upper Deck Series 1: Young Guns 235 Michal Neuvirth Capitals

1953 Bowman Color:
72 Ted Gray Tigers
106 Ken Raffensberger Reds

1974 Topps: 270 Ron Santo Cubs

1980 Topps: Burger King - Pitch, Hit & Run 9 Nolan Ryan Astros

1982 Topps:
115 Gaylord Perry Braves
401 Johnny Bench IA Reds (already have 1 or 2)

1984 Topps: 388 Mike Schmidt AS Phillies

2007 Bowman Heritage: Signs Of Greatness:
SG-GG Glenn Gibson Nationals on-card blue sharpie
SG-SE Stephen Englund Nationals on-card blue sharpie

2007 Topps Turkey Red: Prominent American Leaders (Presidents)
TRP18 Ulysses S. Grant
TRP37 Richard Nixon

2008 Allen & Ginters: The Worlds Greatest Victories (Code Card) 1 Kerri Strug American Olympic Gymnast

2008 UD Goudey 187 Marlon Byrd Rangers Red Back

2008 UD Yankee Stadium Legacy
202 Waite Hoyt
5910 Joe Torre

2009 O-Pee-Chee: Black Parallel 455 Justin Marneau Twins

2009 Topps Heritage: Chrome C4 Nick Markakis Orioles #d 0014/1960

2009 Upper Deck Series 1: Gold Parallel 34 Luke Scott Orioles

2011 Gypsy Queen:
Mini 199 James Shields Rays
Certified Autograph GQA-JC Jason Castro Astros on-card blue sharpie

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Break Status Update

Group Break UPDATE:

Break is filling up fast. Only room for two more folks. I might have to make another update soon.

Any More Takers? Last Call!

I Still have a few open spots for My First Blog Group Box Break. Still some nice teams available. $15 gets you one team you choose and two random teams. Its an all 2007 Baseball Break. I have the boxes and many times have been very tempted just to rip them open and keep every last card. Mwwaaahhaaaaaaahhhh

By my count including my second team as a spot I only need 3 more folks to fill this. Lets say we get this puppy filled by Midnight EST Monday 04 February 2013 (Super Bowl Sunday into Monday). You can start sending payments on Monday and make sure I have your mailing address and your real name so I can send out your cards properly. My Paypal email is klandersen at aol dot com (using the proper format of course)

If this break doesn't completely fill I'll still open the boxes, and those who have already signed up will receive their teams, I'll just have some extra teams to do something with. I'll start opening the boxes on Wednesday 06 February. I will do a video of opening each box, and later blog a pack-by-pack commentary.

BTW: My followers probably see that a new post was made last night. Blogger did one of those weird things and prematurely published the post I was drafting at the time. That or I accidentally hit "publish" instead of "save", but Blogger was acting screwy and I'm usually careful about the "publish" button (not always though). I've seen this sort of thing on other blogs I follow - Blogger shows a post has been made you click on the link for the post and the post "doesn't exist". The post will appear Thursday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Washington Wednesday: 3 Caps and a Joe

Three Caps and a QB

OK first there is still time (I've had to extend it numerous times) to enter my Group Box Break. Just Five more slots (halfway home) and I can make it a real break and not have to break down to Plan B. Do I have to get down on my knees? Do I have to even say what evil diabolical scheme Plan B really is? I don't think you want to know, I don't want to know and I know what it is. It might involve sacrificing some cards to the cardboard gods do you want that to happen? Anyway on to the real subject of this post.

A while back I had gotten some cards from a blog draft that Shane over at Shoebox Legends held. It was loads of fun... hmm I might try doing one of those sometime. I got a bunch of cards from it many of which were my first few choices and excellent additions to my PC. Over at TCC I blogged about what I had gotten I really should gather the cards for a group scan. *Say Cheese!* I got some homie cards out of it (including a couple of Nationals that will be mentioned sometime on my Curly W Cards blog).

 2008-9 Upper Deck Hockey Series 2 Young Guns
499 Karl Alzner Capitals
(Front and Back)

Ack the Capitals haven't done too well so far in this abbreviated 2012-2013 Season (really only 2013 Season now). They just lost their home opener to the Winnipeg Jets 4-2. Their first opening home loss since 2000. UGH! 0-2 now.

 2009-10 Upper Deck Hockey Series 1 Young Guns
235 Michal Neuvirth Capitals
(Front and Back)

These other two cards I had gotten from TCC from a forum members package "Chain" that I had started, based on a previous package chain. I'm sure you are familiar with the concept (I think there is some sort of Blog Chain going around but I'm not sure since I'm not in all the blogsphere/blogiverse circles). Basically a collector ships out a package to another collector that is on a predetermined list he created of participants. Upon receiving the package the second collector takes the cards he wants (if any) and replaces the cards he took with other cards, he then sends the package (the remainder of the original contents plus what he added) to a third collector and so on until the last person on the list sends the package back to the original sender. It is sort of like a multiple-team trade. Not many cards in the batch but a few for my PC and then a few cards to add to the next chain package.

Amongst the cards in the chain for my PC were this last Capital Auto card. I tried to adjust the brightness/contrast/gamma to make it better viewable online but since it is one of those chrome silver refractor type cards it doesn't scan to well to begin with and in real-life is pretty dark as well. And yes the autograph is hard to see in reality.

 1999-2000 BAP Millenium Signature Autograph
244 Jamie Huscroft Capitals
(Front and Back)

And this vintage 1970s Redskins card. 

 1978 Topps Football 416 Joe Theismann Redskins
(Front and Back)

Well that is it until next time. If you have some Washington sports team (Redskins, Nationals, Senators, Capitals, Bullets, Wizards) cards you want to get rid of you can always send them to me (I even do Orioles and Ravens a bit as well).

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mascot Monday: Poe Baltimore Ravens

Baltimore Ravens 1998 - Present
This Monday's Mascot is Poe the Raven official mascot for the NFL's Baltimore Ravens. Gee I wonder who he could possibly be named for? Honestly I planned on having this mascot last week actually since the Ravens were in the Playoffs. When I didn't do a Mascot Monday last Monday I thought about this one and then thought I'd better wait to see how B'More does against the Patriots before posting so I don't say anything that would look awkward after a loss. Do a search on "Ray Lewis retirement countdown billboard" and you will see what I mean. Now the Ravens represent the AFC in Super Bowl 47. Anyway on to this week's mascot and card.

Poe in typical mascot bird fashion was hatched in 1998. Actually he is the third of three Raven Mascots where were "hatched" back then. His Brothers Edgar and Allan were also mascots for the team but were retired in 2008. Anyway here is Poe's Team issued post card (which I got from that big stack of mascot stuff). It is post card sized 4.25" x 5.5" I don't know the year of issue for it.
Baltimore Ravens Team Issued Post Card - Poe Mascot
(Front and Back)

I am always on the lookout for Mascot cards. I also accept Mascot Postcards and team issued promo cards/photos of mascots.

To see previous Mascot Monday posts click here.    

Any More takers?

Need 5 more folks to "fill" this Group Box Break of mine. Any more takers?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Box Break Price Drop

I think I will have to drop the price for this here Blog Group Box Break I am trying to fill. Dropping the price down a little to $15 per slot (1 chosen team, 2 random). Just 7 slots to fill. Hoping to fill by this weekend Remember the boxes are already IN house. As soon as the break fills I'll start busting them. Then after the boxes have been opened and payments received I'll ship them out.

If break doesn't fill then I'll have to go to Plan B since I've been trying to get this thing off the ground since late Nov. What is Plan B? Well that I'll mention on Monday or maybe Tuesday because I should do a "Mascot Monday" for Monday.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Psst. Wanna join a group box break?

Still time to get in on my first Group Box Break here on my blog. Check this Original post for details. Got the boxes in hand and ready to open All 2007 Baseball. $20 per slot gets 1 chosen team and 2 randoms

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lets Try This Again. Blog Group Box Break


I tried this last month but only got one taker (I just need 8 more to fill) I am referring to my First Blog Group Box Break. For details follow this link. I think my biggest hurdle was I tried it during the most holiday filled month of the year. There were also quite a few Blog Group Breaks going on as well by more established bloggers. The boxes are IN HAND so as soon as it fills we can start breaking.

For just $20 $15 you get 1 chosen team plus 2 Random teams. Sign-up will be from now until Saturday 19 January or when the break fills up whichever is first.

  1. Captkirk42
  2. Wilson
  3.  Anthony
  4.  Wilson (2nd slot)
  5.  cynicalbuddha
  6.  Fred Kerner
  7.  The Dimwit
  8.  bucksstorecards
  10. Captkirk42 (2nd Slot)