My Checklists and Wantlists

Monday, February 27, 2012

Curly W Cards Blog Update

I'm toying with the idea of starting a 2nd Card Blog (technically my 3rd since I have a blog at TCC). That will concentrate on Washington Baseball Nationals and Senators (and the players that have been on those teams). I did a little looking and didn't see any card blogs devoted to the Nationals. One or two bloggers may collect Nationals or one of their players, one blog I follow the guy seems to be a big Ryan Zimmerman fan, but the Nats are not his fave team. Many of the other more popular teams have several people blogging about their cards from those teams. I'm not sure how much I could keep up a blog like that but I might try. The big problem would be my big procrastination of scanning cards. I have many cards I was going to scan but haven't and I have a few series that I want to talk about in this blog that I haven't because I haven't done the scanning. (Footballs 2009 Philadelphia set comes to mind, I still need to finish that set among a million others). Another problem I have is I know I would accidentally cross-bleed posts about the Orioles and about my other Washington Teams.

Right now I'm thinking of titles for the blog some I'm thinking about are:
Curly W Cards
Washington Wax
DC Wax
Washington Natators
Washington SeNATors.
Nationals n Senators
DC Baseball Cards

Of course this might not even happen it is just a thought.

UPDATE: 27 Feb 2012 - "Curly W Cards" is launched. So far I have just set it up and posted a welcome post and page.

21FEB2012 - Well I didn't do the set up I was hoping to do over the weekend. I won't make any updates mentioning "future" stuff to do, just stuff I have done.

16FEB2012 - I plan on doing some of the initial set-up of the blog this weekend maybe. I already have a graphic logo for the blog, actually I have 3 logos ready, two use the same photographic scan I did a few years back with a bat and a couple of vintage hats. I also have a text intro I came up with to explain the scope of the blog. On a previous update I mentioned I had thought of "Curly W Cards" for the title which I am going to go with. I'm not sure of exactly when I made that update.

NOTE: on 24 November 2012 I decided to move this static page to a regular post and backdated it to 27 February 2012 which was the last update and the Launch of my Curly W. Cards blog.

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