My Checklists and Wantlists

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Washington Wednesday: Wistia Win Two

Second Listia Auction Win

Recently, about a week ago, I won my second auction at Listia. This one "cost" a bit more from the credits standpoint 100 as opposed just 1 from the last one, but from the shipping $ standpoint was FREE.

I wasn't sure if I already had it or not so I went ahead and got it. You see for many years during the 1980s and early 1990s I would get at least the Topps flagship base team set of the Redskins from my LCS for whatever the going rate was. Of course since they are in Silver Spring, MD (The MD City north of the border to DC) they tend to use the "Hometown Inflation" scale for Skins cards that Blogger Dime Box Nick talked about a week or so ago. OK so sometimes I would pay $5 - $10 for about a dozen hand sorted cards instead of maybe $2 but at the time there was no internet to shop for deals on my Homie Team. Anyway I don't think I ever got all the skins from 1980, maybe I did maybe not I'm not sure as my Football card collection is atrocious it is more disorganized than my Baseball is currently and I am actually improving the Baseball organization some (in part thanks to four MONSTER Boxes I had gotten from my LCS one of the last times I had gone there very early this year. My big goal is to go back to mostly binders, but My unorganized hoard collection is a discussion for some other time some other place)

So here it is my second Listia Auction Win:

 1980 Topps Football 475 Joe Theismann Redskins
(Front and Back)

Then from Ebay more recently (like today Tuesday 18 DEC 2012) I got another of my Homie QBs my main HQB Sonny J. (Other than current QBs RGIII and Kirk Cousins (My "Kirk Cousin"*)) It was $1.78 + FREE Shipping This card is from this year, I prefer Sonny J. cards from his playing years but I love the Classic Skins Arrow Helmet from the '60s. This one is from the 2012 Topps Football: Quarterback Immortals 19 card subset.

 2012 Topps Football: Quarterback Immortals
QI-SJ Sonny Jurgensen Redskins
(Front and Back)

*NO I am not related to Mr. Cousins I just share the same first name so we are cousins in the first name sense.

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