My Checklists and Wantlists

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Major Blog Acheivement

Well sometime a day or two ago something happened to this blog that I hadn't expected but was pretty excited about A few months ago I wouldn't have even thought it was possible... a week or two ago it started to become apparent that this would happen sometime soon.

So yeah take a look at this:

take a closer look:

Yep it says 100 Followers Officially: In reality now I have probably about 10 people who read this regularly I think it is really only about 3 or 4. Then about 20 who read this blog once or twice a month maybe, and about 60-65 who read the blog once signed on as a follower (probably just to join in on a contest and they probably won since only 2 or 3 people entered), and the other 5-10 who followed years ago and have since disappeared either by death or some other reason they no longer come around.

OH OK I'll show a card maybe.... let me look in the old PC that has been scanned...

 1961 Fleer Baseball Greats 68 Mel Ott NY Giants
(Front and Back)

1961 Fleer Baseball Greats a nice vintage set of pre-war guys some of whom had never been on cards before (and never again maybe) This is one of those vintage sets I really need to get off my butt on and try to complete it. I only have 3 out of the 154 of the set.

 2007 Topps Allen & Ginter's 72 Bruce Lee Martial Arts Master
(Front and Back)

*sigh* Allen and Ginter's A&G or just plain Allen & Ginter I have to get a handle on what I have from this and many other years of this wonderful cardboard product. I know the last 2 or 3 years I haven't gotten any A&G. I want to at least get the full base sets of the regular sized cards. At one time I also wanted to get the mini base set as well but that is too ambitious a goal so for the minis I will have to settle for probably just my homie teams, the non-sport/non-baseball folks and some of my "binder" guys (usually HOFers and guys who played 1960s-70s)


  1. Congrats and count me among the regular readers! I have a lot of Ginter dupes so let me know what you need!

  2. I read! (and congrats on the milestone). I have a couple of year's worth of full Ginter base sets available for trade (maybe even with short prints, not sure about that off the top of my head).

  3. Congrats on the milestone, sir.

  4. You can add the Recent Vistors Widget to see who's stopping by, but I too wonder if my total followers number is inflated from years past. Still looks cool to have over 100.

  5. Congrats! I've been at 10 for a very long while. I think it has to do with the fact that baseball is not my primary subject.

  6. Congrats ! Big milestone so well done !

  7. Keep up the great work, always enjoy seeing what you're up to.

  8. (Sniff)... I don't have 100 followers...

    Congratulations on the big, round number!

  9. Congratulations! I've always wondered what percentage of my followers actually read my blog on a regular basis. I think your 10% estimate is probably pretty accurate. Here's to the next 100!

  10. Congrats on the 100 followers. The Bruce Lee is one of those cards that I have always intended to get but just never bought.
