My Checklists and Wantlists

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Losing Interest A Little Bit

Lately I have been losing interest in collecting a little. As the end of February was approaching I was even losing a little interest in blogging a bit. Of course some of this was my renewed efforts to get back into selling on Ebay. This month I have concentrated on my Ebay. As a result of making an effort to list new items and actually get them up on Ebay I went from having 6 stale listings and a last sale about 3 or 4 months ago for a 3 inch button that sold for $1.50 with Free Shipping to 30 listings. Over the last few weeks I have sold 5 items from 4 listings. I sold 2 books, and 16 packs of Football Cards (11 packs of 2016 Leaf Draft Football and 5 packs of 2018 Leaf Draft Football) I didn't know those things were so popular. Personally I don't like the Draft cards since they are undrafted players in college uniforms. Eventually some of those guys go on to have professional careers but many don't.

To reflect my Ebay sales I have tried to update my trading posts on this blog. I think they are current now. Anyway it is almost midnight on 29 February and I need to get this posted to make the deadline. For the full details (or at least what I could recall) check out my post over at my regular Blog "Kirk's Knook": Back To The Swing of Ebay Selling


  1. You have another blog? I'm stoked to check it out, start reading, and commenting. Headed over there now, so I can add it to my reading list.

    P.S. Best of luck on the eBay sales. I probably should look into selling myself.

  2. I've found that listing things on eBay can reduce one's interest in collecting as well. It probably has something to do with realizing just how easy it is to live with less stuff, and once some space starts getting freed up, you think twice about cluttering it back up with new acquisitions.

    1. My lack of interest is mostly aimed at current year cards. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to call oneself a "set" collector when there are tons of inserts and parallels. I know one doesn't have to pursue each and every one but some years I want to come darn close. For the last few years I keep telling myself that I won't attempt to collect that year's set(s) but I end up getting a few cards from one here another there. I really should sit down sometime and re-evaluate what I REALLY want to collect. And tell myself I don't have to complete each set I like, some of them just getting my Homie team will be enough.

  3. I had no idea you had another blog especially one with daily posts. Have this one on my blog list and just assumed you didn't blog much haha. Added the other to my blogroll now.

    1. I have a total of 3 Blogs only 2 are card related this one and my "Curly W Cards" blog ( and my normal blog which is the first one I started Kirk's Knook ( All three have basically turned into a one post a month blog. I only do that because I can't stand seeing a missing month in my blog archives.
