My Checklists and Wantlists

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Strive For '65 Saturday: Stormin' The Sportlots Castle

 In a recent splurge of purchases from Sportlots I got more cards for my Strive for '65 set build, plus a few other years, but the bulk was the '65s. I ordered about 26 cards for the set from 4 different sellers with the cost per card ranging from 34¢ to $6.99 this round. Unbeknownst to me one of them was a duplicate (The Phillies Rookie Stars my previous one is in better condition as this one has writing on the back). Conditions ranging from good to excellent. Some of the cards I went for the cheap "good" condition to save some money and for a few of them paid the price as you will see. Those cards I will need to upgrade at some time, a few of them I can tolerate. ARGH and ACK. Usually I do pretty well with unseen poorer conditioned cards there. Then again I don't often lower to the "good" level. I probably will not from here on.

25 Jun 2022
Strive for '65 | 1965 Set Build | Master Want List
Current card count: 329/598 (55%) or 331/600 (55.2%)

For those of you wondering YES I am STILL BUILDING THIS DANG SET. I don't have the luxury of having a huge blog fandom where you mention you are building a vintage set and within a few months or maybe even weeks BAM It's Complete. I'm lucky if I get one lousy offer to purchase one card for the set, let alone any freebies.

Here is the link to my last update from Feb of 2022. 

Monday 06 Jun 2022:
70 Bill Skowron White Sox* 
Hes wondering what the heck happened to the back of his card?
171 Jim Roland Twins*
219 Bob Meyer Athletics - "Hey it's Kurt Russell!"
254 Roland Sheldon Yankees
309 Steve Hamilton Yankees*

107 Phillies' Rookie Stars - Pat Corrales and Costen Shockley
143 Pirates' Rookie Stars - John Gelnar and Jerry May
368 White Sox's Rookie Stars - Ken Berry and Joel Gibson 

Thursday 09 Jun 2022:
20 Jim Bunning Phillies - 
Stunt Double for General George S Hammond "Of Texas" (Stargate SG-1)
55 Tony Conigliaro Red Sox
73 Dennis Ribant Mets
111 Lee Thomas Red Sox

88 Jack Lamabe Red Sox
198 Smoky Burgess White Sox
210 Jim Fregosi Angels
242 George Brunet Angels
291 Jerry Lynch Pirates
301 Birdie Tebbetts Indians
376 Jim Landis Athletics
451 Jim Owens Astros

243 Reds' Rookie Stars - Ted Davidson and Tommy Helms
374 Angels' Rookie Stars - Jose Cardenal and Dick Simpson

196 Ron Fairly Dodgers
231 Jerry Adair Orioles
281 Bill Stafford Yankees
349 Larry Miller Mets

The Latest Additions: *Indicates card needs an upgrade
Monday 06 Jun 2022: (1 seller)
70 Bill Skowron White Sox*
107 Phillies' Rookie Stars: Pat Corrales and Costen Shockley
143 Pirates' Rookie Stars: John Gelar and Jerry May
171 Jim Roland Twins*
219 Bob Meyer Athletics
254 Roland Sheldon Yankees
309 Steve Hamilton Yankees*
368 White Sox's Rookie Stars: Ken Berry and Joel Gibson

Thursday 09 Jun 2022: (3 sellers)
20 Jim Bunning Phillies
55 Tony Conigliaro RedSox
73 Dennis Ribant Mets
111 Lee Thomas Red Sox

88 Jack Lamabe Red Sox
198 Smoky Burgess White Sox
210 Jim Fregosi Angels
242 George Brunet Angels
243 Reds' Rookie Stars: Ted Davidson and Tommy Helms
291 Jerry Lynch Pirates
301 Birdie Tebbets Indians
374 Angels' Rookie Stars: Jose Cardenal and Dick Simpson
376 Jim Landis Athletics
452 Jim Owens Astros

196 Ron Fairly Dodgers
231 Jerry Adair Orioles
281 Bill Stafford Yankees
349 Larry Miller Mets


  1. You're a braver man than I, Kirk! I would never take a chance on unseen "good" cards on Sportlots. The '65 set isn't one that I ever put much effort into when I was still chasing vintage sets, but I do have around 30 cards or so from it that are no longer wanted. I'll see if I can find them in the next day or two and check out your want list. I won't be able to complete your set, but maybe I can get you a few cards closer.

  2. On Saturday (yesterday 25 Jun) I went to my LCS (House of Cards MD) and went bargain box diving. Long short they had 2 boxes (3 row boxes) of vintage sports cards 3 for $1.00 and a small box of non-sport I went through which wasn't marked but the guy charged me the same 3 for a buck. The sports boxes were mostly Baseball with some football a handful of Hockey and almost 2 hand fulls of Basketball. I picked up 16 cards from 1965 for my set build 11 were dupes a few maybe a better condition than the one in my collection, 4 I really needed and 1 a better conditioned (EX?) Jim Roland. In the bulk of 11 dupes I managed to get by mistake 2 Roland Sheldon cards. One in near the same condition and one with writing on the front bottom edge. (initials in ink).

  3. Favorite set from the 60's. Can't even begin to think about building it though. If I ever sell off my excess crap, maybe one day I'll just buy a complete set.

  4. Poor Moose. At least the kid matched the face with the player!
