31 May 2017 (Updated 31 Jan 2021)
31 May 2017 (Updated 31 Jan 2021)
Previously Trading Thursday
This series of posts was previously titled "Trading Thursday" from now on I'll post on whatever day I choose and call it "CK42 Trade Post", or maybe no special title. It doesn't have the silly alliteration I like to use for series post titles but what the heck. My Blog My Rules!
As with the previous Trading Thursday posts, these posts make up my "to trade" list without the hassle of a huge list that takes a long time to load, read etc. My main goal is to get them out of my card hoard by any means possible by trade, sale or just give-away. I'd prefer one of the first two options, but whatever.
I might just end up making updates to the trade list page I am in the process of creating (initially to track these posts) and do away with regular trading posts.
On the other hand I need to get better organized before I can get serious about trading specific cards.
As with the previous Trading Thursday posts, these posts make up my "to trade" list without the hassle of a huge list that takes a long time to load, read etc. My main goal is to get them out of my card hoard by any means possible by trade, sale or just give-away. I'd prefer one of the first two options, but whatever.
I might just end up making updates to the trade list page I am in the process of creating (initially to track these posts) and do away with regular trading posts.
On the other hand I need to get better organized before I can get serious about trading specific cards.
New Offerings:
Yeah that says what it means.

I've sold ALL 6 of these packs on Ebay @ $1.00/pack.

More unopened packs. This is a slightly larger lot of 9 packs of 2016 Leaf Babe Ruth Collection Baseball - 5 cards per pack. These are some nice vintage looking type cards. Unfortunately these cool cards suffer from the modern unlicensed product disease of missing team logos and team names. But most people know The Babe was mostly a Yankee, OK he started as a Red Sox but spent most of his career in those recognizable Nu Yawk pin-stripes.
Sold All 9 packs Up On Ebay at $1.50/pack
Previous Offerings:
Previous posts/offers are listed here.
Trading Thursday Posts:
A Set And Singles: 1993-94 Classic Draft Basketball
A Set And Singles: 1993-94 Classic Draft Basketball
This One Is On Eleven: Basketball, Football and Non-Sport tall boy sized
A Fifth Of February: Mixed bag of Baseball, Basketball and Football
Experiment Number One: 3 cards total 2 hockey relics, 1 baseball auto
A Fifth Of February: Mixed bag of Baseball, Basketball and Football
Experiment Number One: 3 cards total 2 hockey relics, 1 baseball auto