Sunday, April 30, 2023

Why Don't You Show Some Cards Already?

First off Hmm it looks like Trading Card Central (TCC) is down for the count. I first noticed, oh geez I think maybe the weekend of April 8th? That card site has had it's ups and downs many times over the years. In part due to the original owner skipping out years ago. He would occasionally pop up on the site and had some kind of arrangement for website renewals to avoid having the site go down every year, five years, or however long website registrations last. I forget what the time periods are as it has been over 10 or 12 years since I last attempted to maintain my own website. I'm pretty sure that TCC was the first trading card forum that I got involved with. I have always liked the way people there were friendly and most were in the hobby for the hobby not to just flip cards and make money as most people seem to want to do now. Some of my Facebook friends I met through TCC and I still keep loose contact with them even though many of them no longer use TCC and in some cases no longer collect trading cards. TCC has never been super high-tech but it used to be an old stand by. For several years I had used the "blog" area of the website for my trading card transactions and mail days before I started up my blogging and continued to blog there even though I eventually was the only one updating their blog there. I stopped detailing my mail days and trades and trading card stuff some years back about 10+ At one time I had started to copy my blog entries there onto a simple word document but stopped doing that after only having copied the first couple of years worth of stuff. I am not sure how many years worth of posts were left to copy over. I also used to make posts about purchases and favorite cards and whatever in the regular forums. I even had a "my collection" thread at one time. That reminds me I often had to repost images that had been on photobucket but I transferred to some other online photo gallery when photobucket started going corporate and having it's own problems and got greedy requiring paid subscriptions for access to actually do anything with the site. 

UPDATE: 20 April. Hey TCC is Back UP! I looked at the blog section over there. My last TCC blog was in early 2019 and the last blog by anyone was near the end of 2019. When I clicked on the link to add an entry I got a "this page isn't working" error. I probably should try to finish that "transfer" of my blogging from there to my word documents. I probably should have started backing up my archives here at blogspot back when I first signed up to blog here. OH Well.

ADDITIONAL UPDATE: 26 April 2023. BIG SIGH! Site is down again. not sure why... Still down as of time of this post's publishing on 30 April 2023.

In other card news over at COMC I have sold 4 cards this year, 2 in Mar and 2 in Apr. Granted 2 were under a buck one just a little over a buck and one a little over 2.5 bucks. The last few years I have sold 1 maybe 2 cards a year over there if that. Been years upon years since I submitted any cards to sell over there. I currently have 156 cards in my inventory over there.

OK so what cards to show?

This duo of cards I have had in a mixed box that has some cards that have been in my "to be blogged about" pile for years. Anyway, they are two copies of the same card. The difference is one of them missed the foil printing phase.

The Card 1993 Topps Stadium Club Baseball 515 Thomas Howard Cleveland Indians.

First the card as it should be:

Next the card that missed the foil lettering printing. 

It can't be seen in the scan but there is the slight indent of what was to be foil printing on the card.

Here they are side-by-side.


  1. Pretty cool. I love finding printing errors.

  2. I've only heard of the TCC because of you mentioning it a few times in the past. Seems like it would be kind of frustrating to be a member of a site like that though, especially if you never know when, or if, the site will be up.
